Szene. Stage 2

Clues: –
Mit der Formel in der Hand hast du endlich eine Waffe gegen die Kreaturen, die Dunwich verwüsten… aber nur, wenn du lange genug am Leben bleibst.

Ermittlungsziel - Besiege so viele Gegner Brut von Yog-Sothoth, wie du kannst. Falls keine Kopien von Brut von Yog-Sothoth im Spiel oder beiseitegelegt sind, rücke vor.

Adam Lane
Gestaltlos und unsichtbar #241. Gestaltlos und unsichtbar #6.

Das Ende der Brut - Back

Als du die Beschwörungsformel vollendest, schreit die Kreatur mit rauer, unmenschlicher Stimme auf. Sie grummelt und knackt, die Silben, die sie krächzend ausstößt, klingen nicht im geringsten nach Englisch. Als ihr Schrei verstummt, sinkt die Kreatur in sich zusammen und ist dann plötzlich ohne Vorwarnung verschwunden. Alles, was von ihr bleibt, ist ein widerlicher Gestank und ein ekliger Fleck, der sämtliche Pflanzen an der Stelle, wo gerade noch die Kreatur gestanden hat, verdorren lässt.


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"If there are no copies in play or set aside, advance."

This wording confuses me, it feels like if they wanted this act to advance when all broods everywhere are dead, they would have stated this as "no copies in play AND set aside". Therefore, if there is a single brood in play and you defeat it before any other spawns (even if there are still broods in set aside zone), you get to advance the act.

But this doesn't feel intended to me. Waiting for broods to spawn doesn't feel correct either.

What's the correct rule here? English is not my main language so I could be interpreting this wrong. Using or/and in a sentence like this would mean different things in my language, but it could be a simple grammatical rule in English? (using or instead of and in a negative structure maybe?)

Aesyn · 572
or maybe using "nor" instead of "or" would be better? I think the correct answer — Aesyn · 572
I think the correct answer is that you need no copies in play nor set aside, since there are some setups you already start with no copies in set aside. — Aesyn · 572
Waiting for broods to spawn is the right thing to do here. Sometimes, particularly in solo, this might result in one brood never spawning (because you need to draw a certain treachery for that). In that case, it is better to resign. Note, that you can advance, if all copies had been spawned, but some forgot about their victory points due to "Mind Wipe" and went to the encounter discard pile instead of the victory pile. — Susumu · 368
Checked again, there is actually no difference between advancing the final Agenda and resigning in this scenario. However, if there had been 2 or less sacrifices, you will need to draw "The Creatures' Tracks" once to spawn all of the set aside broods. — Susumu · 368
You do not advance until all the broods are defeated. You spawn or set aside a combination of broods, and there are mechanisms that spawn them into play from the set aside area. You keep playing until you resign or until you spawn and defeat all of them. — StyxTBeuford · 13027
The “or” here is therefore intentional. “And” would imply you advance when either area is empty. — StyxTBeuford · 13027
If the intention is that you need the play area AND the set aside to not have any copies of that enemy, then this is awfully written. OR means one thing or the other, so if either is true, you'd advance, ruled as written. This is another example of rules being mathematically wrong — laiozatt · 1