Verzweigender Weg - Back

Ein Pfad führt von den ausgetretenen Wegen tiefer in die Wälder rund um den Sentinel Hill


Dunwich. Wälder.

Shroud: 3. Clues: 0

Erzwungen - Nachdem du den Zerstörten Weg enthüllt hast: Platziere 1 Verderben darauf.

: Ermitteln. Falls die Probe gelingt, entferne, statt Hinweise zu entdecken, 1 Verderben vom Zerstörten Weg.

Dimitri Bielak
Wo das Verderben wartet #287. Wo das Verderben wartet #14.
Zerstörter Weg
Zerstörter Weg


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Locations do not leave play when they flip from revealed to unrevealed (even if the title of the card is different). That means that all tokens and attached cards will remain when they are flipped over due to Spaces Between. Technically this does allow you to tell which location is which when they are ‘shuffled’, whether that's because doom is in play due to Destroyed Path or if an Obscuring Fog is in play, but for an added challenge and mystery (and for the sake of simplicity), players can place those tokens or attachments onto a random location after they are shuffled, so that they don’t know which location is which.
Last updated


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