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Erzwungen - Sobald ein Gegner an diesem Ort erscheint: Enthülle diesen Ort.

Eine schmucklose Holztür führt zu einem der Räume im Zweiter Stock der Gesellschaft für Geschichte.

Gesellschaft für Geschichte
Historische Bibliothek


Zweiter Stock. Durchgang.

Shroud: 3. Clues: 2.

Nachdem du erfolgreich an diesem Ort ermittelt hast, nimm 2 Horror: Du entdeckst 1 Hinweis an diesem Ort. (Nur ein Mal pro Runde).

Allein die Menge der Bücher in der Bibliothek der Gesellschaft für Geschichte ist überwältigend. Selbst wenn du einige Wochen Zeit für deine Ermittlungen hättest, könntest du nicht alle durchsehen.
Mark Molnar
Widerhall aus der Vergangenheit #136. Widerhall aus der Vergangenheit #17.
Gesellschaft für Geschichte
Gesellschaft für Geschichte


No faqs yet for this card.


I'm not sure about the text on this card, we have managed to interpret it in three different ways.

First, after successfully investigating you take two horror and discover a clue and you are only permitted to investigate once per round.

Second, after successfully investigating you take two horror and discover a clue but you only take the two horror once per round and are permitted to continue to investigate for the remainder of the round finding clues as normal.

Three, after you successfully investigate you gain a clue as normal, take two horror and then gain a second clue, only taking the two horror and second clue once per round.

Any thoughts appreciated.

After you successfully investigate this location (e.g. you investigate and grab however many clues that investigate gives you), you then have the option of triggering the reaction here where you take two horror and discover an extra clue. You can trigger this once per round. Reactions are always optional. — StyxTBeuford · 13027
My group also made that mistake sometimes, mistaking a location reactions with "forced". First scenario of TCU has a location with a reaction to have all drawn enemies spawn there but they attack you. My clue focused marie did that all the time and i was so swarmed until we realized my mistake. We started over. — Django · 5093