
Verwünschung. Schrecken.


Wagnis. Verborgen.

Enthüllung - Füge Besessenheit (Quälend) geheim deiner Hand hinzu.

Falls die Menge an Horror auf dir mehr als doppelt so groß ist wie deine geistige Gesundheit, scheidest du sofort aus dem Spiel aus und wirst getötet.

Gib 5 Ressourcen aus: Lege Besessenheit (Quälend) von deiner Hand ab.

Martin de Diego Sádaba
Finsteres Carcosa #341. Finsteres Carcosa #35.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Treachery cards do not have a header for their subtitle. If the title of a treachery card contains 1 or more words in parentheses, that is considered to be its subtitle. Other cards with the same title and a different subtitle are still considered to be copies of one another. e.g. Restless Journey (Fallacy) and Restless Journey (Hardship) are both copies of Restless Journey. - FAQ, v.2.0, Card Ability Interpretation 2.21, see Treachery Subtitles.
Last updated


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