
Kreatur. Schlange.

Fight: 3. Health: 1. Evade: 3.
Damage: 1. Horror: –.

Erzwungen - Nachdem dir die Grubenotter Schaden durch ihren Angriff zugefügt hat: Falls du nicht vergiftet bist, bringe eine beiseitegelegte Vergiftet-Schwäche in deiner Bedrohungszone ins Spiel.

Vengeance 1.
Tödlicher als sie aussieht.
Nick Deligaris
Das Vergessene Zeitalter #78. Schlangen #1-3.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: I wanted to confirm my understanding of the interaction between Guard Dog and Pit Viper. I am attacked by the Pit Viper and assign the damage to my Guard Dog and use its , I deal 1 damage back to the Pit Viper, defeating it. Am I correct in reading that the Pit Viper's Forced ability does not trigger because the Pit Viper is no longer in play by the time it would trigger? Put more simply: does assigning damage to Guard Dog and using Guard Dog's reaction to defeat a Pit Viper avoid giving me a Poisoned weakness? A: Correct; assigning Pit Viper’s damage to Guard Dog and using Guard Dog’s reaction ability to defeat Pit Viper will make it so Pit Viper’s Forced ability does not resolve. (March 2024)
Last updated


I have a question about this card.

If I assign the viper damage to an asset (not the investigator), do I still get poisoned? Because it feels a bit antithematic if I assign the bite to an ally but it's me who gets poisoned..

Thems the rules. But, you could always just house rule it that your allies get poisoned if it bothers you that bad. — jdk5143 · 98
From my perspective, the attack didn't do damage to you, since «you» refers to your investigator card. It works the same way for key of ease, in that putting horror on allies does not rigge — aurchen · 1
Trigger it's forced effect — aurchen · 1
Sorry @aurchen, but damage and horror is always dealt to ‘you’ and then “When an investigator is dealt damage or horror, that investigator may assign it to eligible asset cards he or she controls.” This is different than the Key of Ys which triggers when damage is ‘placed’ on you, which happens during step 2 of dealing damage when it is applied during Step 2. (Refer to Dealing Damage/Horror in the Rules Reference). — Death by Chocolate · 1422
Thank you for opening my eyes, Death by Chocolate. <3 — aurchen · 1
What if the damage dealt is cancelled after assignment to Armor of Ardennes? Is it not, then, that the Forced ability's effects do not resolve? Does Armor of Ardennes thus protect the wearer from Pit Viper poison? — Cluny · 51
It does - "Abilities that prevent, reduce or reassign damage are resolved between steps 1 and 2 of dealing damage, and step two says if no damage/horror is applied in that step (which is physically marking damage), then no damage has been successfully dealt. — legrac · 115
i guess also Deny Existence would also stop the damage from happening, so no poisoned? — Phoenixbadger · 197
Well... according to rules, if you assign damage to an asset you don't get poison weakness. Step 2 of dealing damage says "If no damage/horror is applied in this step, no damage/horror has been successfully dealt." Pit Viper forced ability triggers after dealing damage process, so if all damage have been assigned to assets, you (Investigator) will not be dealt any damage, thus no poison. — Njagas · 1

Hi, I just read the faq for this card (March 2024) and its interaction with cards like guard dog or similary that trigger reaction abilities...and I'm a bit astonished...

The question is: the Rules Reference for triggered abilities states literally "For any given timing point, all forced abilities initiated in reference to that timing point must resolve before any reaction abilites referencing the same timing point in the same manner may be initiated".

So why this forced ability doesn't trigger before the reaction one this time?? I'm a bit perplexed....

Piegura · 1
They're not "referencing the same timing point in the same manner". Guard Dog is "when" and Pit Viper is "after", and the difference between "when" and "after" is larger than the difference between a forced ability and a reaction triggered ability. — Thatwasademo · 56
In summary, the timing goes: 1. Forced "when", 2. Optional "when", 3. The event itself, 4. Forced "after", 5. Optional "after". (There are several more possible timings around the event, but I'm leaving them out for simplicity) — Thatwasademo · 56
Ok, I got it now!!Thanks Thatwasademo — Piegura · 1