- Q: There is some confusion as to when to shuffle the encounter deck: According to the RR: > If the encounter deck is empty, shuffle the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck. There is a ruling from 'Smite the Wicked' which says: > Generally, you reshuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck when it is empty, but not while you’re resolving an effect. I see that any effect that interacts with the deck (such as Parallel Fates) would wait to shuffle until after the card resolves; but: If I draw my card during the Mythos phase, emptying the deck, do I shuffle immediately; and thus my drawn card is the first card of the new discard pile? Or do I resolve the drawn card first, making it the last card of the old discard pile, then shuffle? A: When you draw the last encounter card during the Mythos phase, you should resolve it first, then place it in the discard pile, then shuffle the pile into a new encounter deck.
Enthüllung - Bringe Böse Vergangenheit in deiner Bedrohungszone ins Spiel, falls sich keine Kopie davon in deiner Bedrohungszone befindet (Falls doch, lege stattdessen Böse Vergangenheit ab und sie erhält Nachrüsten).
Erzwungen - Sobald das Begegnungsdeck leer wird: Nimm 2 Horror und lege eine -Probe (3) ab. Falls die Probe gelingt, lege Böse Vergangenheit ab.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I had this in play and drew the last card of the encounter deck, which was also Evil Past.
I resolved it this way: Forced Effect of the Evil Past in play triggers first, I take the horror and make the test and passed it, discarding Evil Past. Then I shuffled the discaed pile back into the encounter deck and afterwards the second Evil Past resolves and enters my threat area.
Please let me know if that is correct.