


Enthüllung - Falls sich Nahab im Spiel befindet, mache sie spielbereit, handle ihr Schlüsselwort Jäger ab und sie greift jeden Ermittler an ihrem Ort an. Falls sich Nahab an der Opferstätte befindet, platziere außerdem 1 Verderben auf ihr. Ansonsten durchsuche das Begegnungsdeck und den Ablagestapel nach Nahab, die an deinem Ort erscheint.

Der geheime Name #144. Der geheime Name #28-29.
Geisterhafte Präsenz


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Rules question - since I may have been playing this (and similar cards) wrong.

Does Nahab exhaust after the attack (assuming she does perform it)? I usually forget about the whole "enemies exhaust after attacking during the enemy phase" rule since they ready pretty much immediately, but does that apply here? I couldn't find anything under the rules except under "Enemy Phase" - so does that exhaustion only happen then, or does it apply here?

Thanks in advance!

TheMathDoc · 16
Enemies normally only exhaust after their attack in the enemy phase in Phase 3.3. (For example, they don't exhaust after an Attack of Opportunity.) ) Hunter keyword is resolved before that in 3.2. Now I guess you are asking because of the treachery "Watcher's Grasp". In this case, the Watcher actually exhausts in the Mythos phase. But that's because of the phrase "attacks as if it were the enemy phase". It also was clearly an unintentional behavior, as it was de facto erratad in the "Return to" version of the campaign. There each scenario with "Watcher's Grasp" got the additional rule "attacks as if it were the enemy phase (except exhausting)." "Ghostly Presence " did not get this treatment, because it was unnecessary. — Susumu · 368
Thanks - guess I was doing it right all along — TheMathDoc · 16