
Monster. Altes Wesen.

Fight: 1. Health: 1. Evade: 1.
Damage: 1. Horror: 1.

Erscheinen – Beliebiger leerer Ort.

Bedachtes Altes Wesen kommt mit 1 Verderben auf sich ins Spiel.

Erzwungen – Sobald Bedachtes Altes Wesen besiegt wird: Platziere 1 Verderben auf der Agenda.

: Verhandlung. Lege eine -Probe (3) ab. Falls die Probe gelingt, entferne Bedachtes Altes Wesen aus dem Spiel.

Henning Ludvigsen
Am Rande der Welt (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #142. Stadt der Alten Wesen #28-30.
Bedachtes Altes Wesen


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If Charlie Kane succeed at 3 Parleys on these cards and removes them all from the game, does he become Mayor of the City of the Elders Things ?

Joke aside, I both love and hate these little guys.

Love them, because the concept is thematically awesome. They are strange monsters, but they are as much victims of the madness as you are, and killing them is not the solution. Very much in line with the original story.

Hate them, because since they spawn in "any empty location" in a scenario with 17 (!) locations, they often place me in an "analysis paralysis" situation : where do I spawn them, to avoid wasting actions on useless movement, while progressing the scenario without dooming out ? Trying to find the "best" location might be the road to insanity...

DrOGM · 22