
Monster. Eidolon. Shoggothe.

Fight: 5. Health: 5. Evade: 4.
Damage: 2. Horror: 2.

Erscheinen – Nächstgelegener Nebelpfeiler, der nicht eingestürzt ist (oder dein Ort, falls keiner im Spiel ist).

Solange sich Befreites Phantasma spielbereit an einem Nebelpfeiler befindet, kann jenem Nebelpfeiler kein Schaden zugefügt werden.

Erzwungen – Falls am Ende der Gegnerphase Befreites Phantasma spielbereit ist: Bewege es ein Mal in Richtung des nächstgelegenen, nicht eingestürzten Nebelpfeiler.

Victory 1.
Pavel Kolomeyets
Am Rande der Welt (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #180. Etwas regt sich in der Tiefe #24-25.
Befreites Phantasma


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I'm not really sure where to put this but I think there's a transcription error in this card's stats here. It should be 5 fight, and 4 evade, not 4 fight and 5 evade. That isn't really a review tho, so I'll add a comment on the card itself. It's a big beefy enemy with a somewhat annoying effect but if you've got this far then someone in your team should really be able to handle big beefy enemies and it does at least stay dead once you defeat it- which is more than you can say for some campaign finale specific big beefy enemies. So it does have that going for it.

bee123 · 31
I have fixed it just now, but it will likely take a few weeks till the update. You can follow the link to GitHub near the bottom of the page and report issues there, too, if something like that comes to your notice. — Susumu · 368
It's been updated now. Thanks again for the report. — Susumu · 368