Bonnie Walsh
Loyal Assistant

Vorteil. Verbündeter

Verbündeter. Staatsdiener. Assistent.

Cost: 3.

Health: 2. Sanity: 2.

Nur für das Deck von Charlie Kane.

Nachdem du Bonnie Walsh erschöpft hast: Mache eine andere Verbündeter-Vorteilskarte, die du kontrollierst, spielbereit. (Nur 1 Mal pro Runde.)

„Vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie um 21 Uhr einen Termin mit Mr. Sanford haben. Soll ich Ihren üblichen Tisch im La Bella Luna reservieren? Außerdem: Sie haben mir zum Geburtstag eine Armbanduhr geschenkt. Vielen Dank dafür.”
Isuardi Therianto
Die scharlachroten Schlüssel (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #19.
Bonnie Walsh


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The true backbone of Arkham has arrived, and WOW is she a powerhouse of an ally! Not only is she Unexpected Courage on tap (get it?) but she also gives you second shots at your favorite exhausting friends! Tabooed professors extend your grant money, the cat army gives you more chances for buffs - hell, maybe you can even get a second try on some precarious tests!

supertoasty · 39
She is very good but is unlikely to see play outside Charlie Kane deck ;p — Susu · 36
I'm curious if Miss Doyle will see use in Charlie's decks. An extra ally is good but they all only contribute one icon to any given test... — Maseiken · 1
Each of the cats have two stats that don't match their ability, so unless you need them for a Willpower test, they are either worth +2 with Charlie's ability (remember that it adds 1+pips), or +4 if you use them to test at base 5! Miss Doyle has a wild icon so she is always worth +2. That is +4 to +6 total each round for 3 resources and 1xp. It seems like it would be harder to find reasons to not include the cat army in ANY Charlie deck. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
That is compelling, yeah. I found Yorick with a creatures build quite powerful but the cat army was more finicky to pilot than I expected — Maseiken · 1