Café Luna
Coterie Haunt
Shroud: 3. Clues: 2.
Desi's bar offers a variety of drinks and a rich, wild nightlife for both locals and tourists from the States looking to escape the tight grip of Prohibition... or, at least, it used to, before he and his guns shot the place to hell. What in the world is going on here?
Yoann Boissonnet
Die scharlachroten Schlüssel (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #100. Dancing Mad #10.
Café Luna
Bastion of Remembrance
Shroud: 5. Clues: 1.
Café Luna gets –1 shroud for each Outsider enemy in play.
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Desi's bar offers a variety of drinks and a rich, wild nightlife for both locals and tourists from the States looking to escape the tight grip of Prohibition.
Yoann Boissonnet
Die scharlachroten Schlüssel (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #100. Dancing Mad #10.

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