
Gefallen. Doppelt. Illegal.

Cost: 1. XP: 3.


Als zusätzliche Kosten, um Schmutzige Taten zu spielen, gib 1 Aktion aus.

Durchsuche dein Deck nach einer Illegal-Vorteilskarte und spiele sie (zahle ihre Kosten). Dann darfst du eine - oder -Fähigkeit auf jener Vorteilskarte abhandeln, wobei du alle Kosten ignorierst (einschließlich -Kosten). Das Spielen dieser Karte provoziert keine Gelegenheitsangriffe.

Derek D Edgell
Das Fest von Hemlock Vale (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #80.
Schmutzige Taten


No faqs yet for this card.


Pay 1 resource and 2 actions to get an illicit card out into play (guaranteed) and use it.

It's a pretty good tutoring card if you're trying to find an ilicit weapon, or lockpicks/thieves tools.

Could definitely help in any rogue deck mailing those.

drjones87 · 194
For anybody who can take or splash Seeker(0) this is another automatic Astounding Revelation. — HanoverFist · 740
Too bad it doesn't synergize with Underworld Market. — AlderSign · 313

If you have Mandy backing you up, I think you can put two illicit assets in play (paying their costs), and activate each once.

Engineering a situation where you can benefit from both of these activations while sharing location with your fellow Mandy may not come up as often as I'd like to, but it would be a power play to remember even if it happened once per campaign.

Aesyn · 573