Szene. Stage 1
Clues: 3.
There must be some trace or clue of Bertie in these woods. You only hope you aren't already too late.
Each enemy without spawn instructions gains "Spawn - When this enemy is drawn from the encounter deck: Put this enemy in the pursuit area."
Objective - At the end of the round, if each investigator is at the same Lair location, they may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Rob Laskey
Das Fest von Hemlock Vale (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #107. The Twisted Hollow #3.
Ursine Hybrid
Glowing Abomination
Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.
Fight: 5.
Health: 5.
Evade: 3.
Damage: 3.
Horror: 2.
Spawn - ([codex] Σ) (page 37).
Hunter. Retaliate.
Ursine Hybrid gets +2 health.
Forced - When Ursine Hybrid would be defeated, if it is act 2: Heal all damage from it and put it in the pursuit area instead of the victory display.
Victory 2.
Peter Polach
Das Fest von Hemlock Vale (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #107. The Twisted Hollow #3.

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