- Q: While playing a “Return to” scenario, what do I do if a campaign guide instruction or card ability refers to a card from an encounter set that has been replaced with a new encounter set? A: If it is a setup instruction or an instruction to search for that card and put it into play, the investigators should find the matching card from the new encounter set that replaced it and follow the instructions using that card, instead. (If it is unclear which is the matching card, use the encounter numbers to help guide you. For example, Wizard of the Order is card 4/6 of the Dark Cult set; if that set was replaced, the matching card would be card 4/6 of the new set.) If it is a gameplay effect other than the above, ignore it. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Die Vorbereitung wird wie im Kampagnenleitfaden Die Nacht des Zeloten angegeben durchgeführt. Dabei gelten folgende Ausnahmen:
- Beim Heraussuchen der Begegnungssets werden zusätzlich diese neuen Begegnungssets aus Rückkehr zu: Der Verschlinger aus der Tiefe herausgesucht.
- Bei der Wahl der 4 Orte Wälder von Arkham, die zufällig ins Spiel gebracht werden, stehen auch die 4 neuen Orte Wälder von Arkham aus dieser Erweiterung zur Verfügung, sodass es insgesamt 10 verschiedene Möglichkeiten gibt.
- Nachdem der Gegner Umôrdhoth beiseitegelegt worden ist, drehe diese Karte um und hänge sie an Umôrdhoth an.
Unheimlich. Anderswelt.
Gewölbe des irdischen Niedergangs kann das Spiel nicht verlassen.
Umôrdhoth bekommt +X Ausdauer pro Ermittler und +X Kampf, wobei X die Anzahl Ressourcen auf dieser Karte ist.
Erzwungen - Sobald Umôrdhoth ins Spiel kommt, platziere für jede verbliebene Szenekarte im Szenendeck 1 Ressource auf dieser Karte.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I have expend all the morning fighting Umordoth in the Vault of Earthly Demise. We wanted to play the Return to the Night of the Zealot without sacrificing Lita Chandler in hard mode. 2 players. We arrived to the conclusion that the Vault is a card too powerful that makes this impossible. We need more characters or an easiest difficulty. But even with more dakka increasing the combat stat of Umordoth seems a bit unbalanced. Maybe we can fight once or two times against a 6-8 combat stat, but to defeat it we need many combat rounds. Is impossible to sustain many fights againts these numbers. So basically my review of this card is that we need to read the text as: "Kill Lita Chandler, don't even try to challange me, you weak humans." Has been fun though.
This card beautifully encompasses what the return tos are about. A very good strategy for the original devourer below is to just camp at the main path buffing up and kill umhordoth when he spawns.
This card makes that strategy certainly more difficult, almost impossible. As others have pointed out you can win, but its gonna be a melee. Which is exactly what it should be for a prize of +10 exp.