Almost identical to the level 0 version of Stealth, for 3 XP you get an additional Agility icon, and Finn Edward's ability to Evade as a free action once per turn. This is further bolstered by the - 2 evade, making this a solid pickup. 3 XP might seem like a lot, but any enemy with an Agility of 2 or less is automatically evaded, unless you draw the auto-fail. Yet another benefit is that seemingly ever present inclusion of "a non elite enemy.", is missing from the card. This means you potentially can evade some big elites, turn after turn. It can also be used aggressively with Waylay, if the investigator can take it, potentially turning Waylay into a 1 action kill, or with Sneak Attack, for a cool 2 test-free damage. Might be overkill in a Finn deck, but also turns him into a pretty great dodge tank with just a bit of support. I personally think it's a great card, with a lot of potential.
Cost: 2. XP: 3.
Erschöpfe Heimlichkeit in deinem Zug: Entkommen. Der gewählte Gegner bekommt für diesen Entkommen-Versuch -2 Entkommen. Falls du dem Gegner erfolgreich entkommst, löse dich von ihm, aber erschöpfe ihn nicht. Bis zum Ende deines Zuges kann dich jener Gegner nicht in einen Kampf verwickeln.

Related Cards
- Stealth (The Path to Carcosa #28)
No faqs yet for this card.
This card is going to have a second life with Kymani, the evader’s evader. The tricky thing is, this card isn’t for the first evade you do a round; it’s for the second. That one doesn’t matter if you exhaust an enemy, because they’re exhausted. Combined with the police whistle, it might feel that the grappling hook becomes secondary in many cases. (It really depends where clues are versus enemies on the board.) Still, a +2 and a free action for something you want to do almost every turn of the game in multiplayer, hard to beat.
(There’s also a combo using stealth on your nemesis weakness or the Guardian of the crystallizer, because those enemies won’t engage anyone else, even if you leave them in a room with three other investigators!)
Combos well with Ornate Bow, which is a great rogue weapon except that it often leaves you in situations where you have to reload while engaged. Spending an action to evade something that's going to be dead at the end of the round is a waste, and it's impossible to fire twice in a round without extra actions or eating an AoO.
Also has good functionality with Dirty Fighting: You forego the +2 bonus because the enemy isn't exhausted, but since the reaction triggers on a successful evade, you still get the free attack action.
Combine them both in a big ol' 8xp gumbo and you can disengage > attack > reload > attack > reload to take down all but the beefiest enemies. Alternately, combine Stealth and DF with .41 Derringer to get yet another action for free.