Mark's Not Going Quietly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Terkoz · 1

This deck is designed so mark can kill everything.

Hard mulligan for a weapon. Bandolier isn't great at level 0, but it will save the experience cost of adding it later. Feel free to chuck an empty .45 Automatic (or whatever you upgraded it to) if need be, but always keep a Survival Knife on you.

Upgrades will be expensive but should start with: Stick to the Plan

Be sure to swap the .32 Colt for Lightning Gun or Shotgun or M1918 BAR

Say Your Prayers and "If it bleeds..." will become one or two Key of Ys.

Swap Machete for Timeworn Brand (if possible).

Upgrade your Bandolier to a Bandolier and your Beat Cop to a Beat Cop.

I like Guard Dogs, but if you prefer Brother Xavier feel free to swap them.

Upgrade Vicious Blow and Taunt to Vicious Blow and Taunt when you can.

Try to pick up a Charisma, too. Extra allies are helpful, after all.

And if you have some extra experience lying around, upgrade caches are always good.

Consider Ever Vigilant, Marksmanship, and Dynamite Blast as you like. Along with some Extra Ammunition or Custom Ammunition. Both unnecessary, but useful.

This will need teammates with a couple Delve Too Deeps to fully realize, but it should be sustainable at all levels.


Mar 14, 2019 FractalMind · 36

That's over 30+ xp to fully realize the upgrades you suggest. How would you prioritize these upgrades in case you fail short on gathering enough xp?

Mar 14, 2019 Terkoz · 1

Oh, I know experience will fall short. That's not a question.

The Timeworn Brands are completely optional, a once/game effect is nice, but shouldn't be relied upon. The Keys of Ys, aren't needed until a couple mental traumas have accumulated.

Getting a bigger gun and upgraded vicious blow would probably be top priority, just to kill things more efficiently. Stick to the plan can be a game changer, but a big xp sink.

Ultimately, this Mark is doomed, so I don't think he'll make it anywhere near some of these upgrades.