[The ChiLo Horror] Deckbuilding 101: Jenny

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PureFlight · 757

This is a sample deck to describe the deckbuilding process alongside my article on Deckbuilding 101. Excerpts from the article:

I'm going to play a solo game, and I think I want to go with Jenny because she's well-rounded and also badass. I want to find ways to boost her stats because 3's aren't good on their own. St. Hubert's Key boosts two stats for a single card, so I'll try that. And then I can use Jenny's funds to fuel Hard Knocks. That covers all four stats!

My Jenny deck is a solo deck, so I want to be able to handle a variety of threats to a certain extent. She will be decent at taking low-difficulty tests of any kind, but needs help with both high-shroud clues and tougher enemies. I'll give her Flashlights (upgrade to Lockpicks), Working a Hunch, and Perception for clues. For enemies, in addition to evading with Hard Knocks, I'll put in Derringers, a Machete, and a pair of Sneak Attacks.

Jenny has the one Machete, and because it doesn't use ammo that should be okay. I like Elusive, but it is a bit situational, so I only have one copy. Although Lone Wolf is "Limit one per investigator," I want it early to maximize how much money it makes me, so I will keep it at 2x.

In my Jenny deck, I just want Leo De Luca as my ally. I don't plan on letting him die because I want his ability active the whole game. So my only Allies are two copies of Leo.

Jenny has a very strong economy card built into her. However, I'm focused on using Hard Knocks to pump my strength, and I'll be using it almost every time I attack or evade. I'm going to want a lot of money. I already have her ability, plus Cache and Lone Wolf. I'd like one more economy card to even things out, so I'll include "Watch this!", which is a gamble but acts as an actionless Cache if it works out.

Jenny is very well-rounded, but in true Rogue fashion she is susceptible to bad luck. If her core stat boosts (Hubert and Hard Knocks) are buried in her deck, she may have a rough time. The cantrips (neutral skills that give you a draw) should help get through her deck and hold her over until those core pieces show up. While she's not too resilient to damage and horror, she has a lot of clue tools; ideally she ends the scenario quickly before things get too out of hand. With the Derringers and Flashlights, this could be a fun deck for Sleight of Hand instead of Think on Your Feet. I would probably upgrade the Derries into Switchblade[2], which makes Sleight less good, so then you could turn your Sleights into Think on Your Feet[2] or anything else you like. Alternatively, Narrow Escape is an underrated card that would go nicely in that spot.