Mandy Solo through the Dreamlands

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lost in time and space · 26

After testing Mandy a few times through each of the Dreamlands scenarios, I'm starting to weed out the chaff from my initial builds.

Calling in favors + Art student getting Mr. Rook feels like cheating, especially if she can soak a horror first.

Old book of lore of is a no stone unturned, every turn if need be, and your way of digging through your deck for Mr. Rook, aka, the best card in the deck.

Astounding Revelation is great, if you don't draw it. At least it has an intellect icon...

I have favored mystic over the other off classes because I feel they don't bring enough to the table for Mandy. Sure lucky is nice, and elusive is great, but outside of a couple cards, they offer little in comparison to mystic.


Jun 24, 2020 porror · 1

Thanks for the deck. Would love to hear some upgrade paths you tested.