Solo Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

trebge68 · 27

Possible spoilers ahead!!

First scenario: Extracurricular Activity

Not much to say about this one, it went quite smoothly with me saving Warren Rice. No real misplays here.

2nd scenario: The House Always Wins

The House did win, I never came past act 2. At some point, I was surrounded by a conglomeration, the servant of the lurker and a thug from O'Bannion. I chose physical trauma, since that won't have as much of an effect on me for the campaign.

3rd scenario: Miskatonic Museum I pulled a SPOILER 'Beyond The Veil' early and I did not want to take 10 damage, so I resigned when I was my deck was on the verge of being completely discarded. The fact that both my "Look What I Found" cards were being discarded, didn't help also.

The Essex County Express: Made it with the help of a second flashlight. With two attacks of opportunity from the Grappling Horror, I managed to get two clues off of the Engine Car. I had some luck with the chaos bag in the beginning, and I had enough cards to discard or resources to spend when in the train cars.

Resigned from Blood on The Altar before I got killed.

Curse of the Rougarou: Succes! Lifted the curse and destroyed the beast

Where Doom Awaits: Defeated before I had the chance to even get to act 2. Two thralls and a wizard made it impossible for me to get clues without taking horror and get clues.

MVP cards: possibly liquid courage, the two willpower test is passable without any real downsides. After that, dodge and Flashlight. Dodge lets you take an action without having to 'pay' for it, by taking horror/damage from an attack. Flashlight is just an all round good card for investigating, even more so in combo with "Look what I found".

Although I lost the campaign, I had a lot of fun playing this. I managed to complete some scenarios (Essex; Extracurricular; Rougarou) and experiencing some resolutions which I hadn't seen before.

Anyway, if you guys have any thoughts on this deck: let me know!