Zoey Samaras: An Updated Stabbing Chef

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Zoey Samaras: The Stabbing Chef 1337 1056 28 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

thautology · 83

It's a stupid deck: it advances and it brawls. I like it: I am a simple man.

Дан Маринос

This deck updates on Zoey Samaras: The Stabbing Chef, including some new cards from later expansions. The original deck is meant to deal a lot of damage and give the necessary action and mobility to do so (via Leo De Luca and Shortcut). This deck does the same. It is meant to be played in a 2-investigators scenario, where the other is a dedicated clue gatherer.

The deck has not been tested yet and this should be considered a preliminary deck. Also, it is not Taboo-complying.

Below the differences between that deck and the current.



Other Assets:



  • I got rid of Manual Dexterity as with Survival Knife and Guard Dog we rarely want to evade attacks. If we really do, we have the two Dodges.

  • Also Overpower got cut off. Zoey is not the strongest guardian and lacking Overpower could be a problem, especially in harder difficulties. The improved weapons should counterbalance this to an extent, but only testing will tell us....


May 12, 2020 dan marinos · 1

I agree