down and dirty rex

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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tocky · 1

this is a campaign rex... having successfully upgraded strange solution to the acid one.... is good at both things now...


in the worst case, punching, committing strange solution or bulletproof vest for 4 to the check... theyre scavengable, do 1 damage ["I've Got a Plan"](/card/02107)+dr. milan is 5 to the check, maybe to do 4 damage, maybe twice a game [Acidic Ichor](/card/02263) is 6 to the check, do 3 damage... (perhaps commiting the other strange solution or a bulletproof vest to the check for +2) [Disc of Itzamna](/card/01041) discards non-elite enemies, so long as they spawn on you, its scavengable and


with [Rex](/card/02002)'s you generally get 1 more clue, so that: [Lockpicks](/card/03031) + magnifying glass + dr. milan is 9 to the check... gain 2 clues and 1 resource [Burglary](/card/01045) + magnifying glass x2 + dr.milan is 7 to the check... gain 4 resource and 1 clue with [Deduction](/card/02150) adds 2 more clues and [Working a Hunch](/card/01037) gets 1 clue (if you want the clue, you must remember do not commit Working a Hunch as +2 to the test, this is imortant, as though it were Deduction. play it for its resource cost. a true cluehound must know this thing. ) so thats very flexible, such options.... you can often choose to pick up any number of clues you like with one action, the side effect being it generates a bunch of resource and scavenges items as well


card draw: [Rex](/card/02002)'s elder sign ability, [Laboratory Assistant](/card/02020), [Search for the Truth](/card/02008), [Preposterous Sketches](/card/02186) generating resources: [Burglary](/card/01045) and [Dr. Milan Christopher](/card/01033) and [Cryptic Writings](/card/60215) ... this creates too much resource actually, and it's hard to spend it all [Scavenging](/card/01073): to recycle [Lockpicks](/card/60305), [Disc of Itzamna](/card/01041), [Bulletproof Vest](/card/01094) (and [Strange Solution](/card/02263) if you can figure out how to discard it) standing on clues: [Preposterous Sketches](/card/02186)


[Preposterous Sketches](/card/02186) swap for ••••[Cryptic Research](/card/01043) -cheaper card draw, more helpful, no more standing on clues [Laboratory Assistant](/card/02020) swap for •••[Bulletproof Vest](/card/01094) -more hearts, better punching add the permanent •••[Higher Education](/card/02187) -efficient use of resources replace (something) with •••[Pathfinder](/card/02108)... perhaps working a hunch, or cryptic writings... for more move