Minh and the Miskatonics

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Labrousse · 21

For the League of Extraordinary Investigators Season Five.

The main idea of this deck is to try out Miskatonic Archeology Funding. In particular I wanted to use it with Peter Sylvestre, since he has the Miskatonic Trait. My plan is to upgrade into Jessica Hyde as my one non-Miskatonic ally.

Outside of the allies, a notable inclusion is Able Bodied, which I've had strong success with in Solo Minh. It helps Minh with the two stats she needs help in the most, combat and agility. And since this deck can only possibly have one item in play at a time, it always gets full value. Taking her combat or agility to a five is strong, and using Minh's ability they can become a six.

Deduction and Working a Hunch are here to help mitigate the haunted keyword in The Circle Undone campaign by providing clue acceleration.

Resourceful is here to get back broken Baseball Bats, Able Bodied or the perennial staple Lucky.