The Prophet's Dream

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Dreamy Navigator 8 4 2 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

taal_tarang · 131

I was quite surprised that there are no Luke decks using Whitton Green on arkhamdb as they seem like a perfect match. So here is one I made. It is pretty exp heavy (as many mystic decks are) but as soon as you get it going it is a lot of fun. And it does work even at 0xp.

The Foundation

Whitton Greene is a perfect ally for Luke and she is the very foundation of this deck. First of all Luke has a relic item in play right from the start (Gate Box) so she is pretty much an automatic +1 . But this is just the beginning. Her ability works great with Luke's playstyle. He likes to run around a lot or hop into his Box and Whitton has 8 relics and tomes to find in this deck so almost every time you enter a new location you will get a free card. And she gives you cards also when you enter the Dream-Gate (I guess every time Luke goes to sleep he dreams of Whitton giving him new toys)! So mulligan hard for her!

Now to the other aspects of the deck:

Controlling the Encounter Deck

Controlling the encounter deck is always nice but in true solo it can really make your game easy. Especially with Luke. So we got Scroll of Secrets (a tome - can be found by Whitton) - after the Taboo buff it became an amazing card, one of my favorites. And we got Parallel Fates. One thing we need to remember - when Luke draws an enemy that would engage with him while he is the Dream-Gate the enemy goes straight to the discard. So knowing when an enemy is coming can save you a lot of trouble. Besides - when you have for example double Hemispheric Map in play and you know there is a very nasty treachery coming that involves a test you can again move to the Dream-Gate (even during the player window while taking the test) and gain +8 bonus (Dream Gate connecting to four locations is quite common).

Controlling the Chaos Bag

To consistently use cards like Parallel Fates or Recharge (mainly here to charge the Box but you can also charge the Statues if desired) we need some level of control over the chaos bag. That is why we got Premonition and later Grotesque Statue (another target for Whitton). Both important combo pieces but also greatly useful on their own. And besides all that, Statues serve also another role - increasing the chance of drawing and charging the Gate Box.

Dealing With Enemies

If you cannot or don't want to 'evade' the enemy using the Dream-Gate you have other options: Spectral Razor, Storm of Spirits (with boost form Hemispheric Maps both should work really well) and Blood-Rite. All being events mean that Luke can play them from connected location (including Dream-Gate) which gives you a lot of flexibility. And that's important especially in solo.

Getting Clues

Luke will be mainly using his intellect to find clues. His basic stat of 3 needs some buffing. As we mentioned before - Luke has a relic in play from the start so Whitton will pretty much always give him +1. Then we got Hemispheric Maps - one of my favorites when playing Luke. If you have two copies in play (not very unlikely with a little help from Whitton) you will get a further +2 or a +4 if connected to four locations. And when investigating from the Dream-Gate (for example using Burning the Midnight Oil - this card really shines in Luke) it will happen pretty often - especially in mid and late game. When using Read the Signs from the Dream-Gate while having double Maps in play you will investigate with a skill level of 16 - usually a bit of an overkill but still cool.

If you want testless clues we got Drawn to the Flame which again - should be preferably played from the Dream-Gate. With a high level of Encounter Deck control, high (especially with bonuses form the Maps), and the fact enemies cannot spawn in the Dream-Gate Drawn to the Flame is pretty much free clues which is awesome.

Last but not least we got Vantage Point - another card that seems like designed for Luke. It gives you a lot of flexibility. Either if you want to grab an easy clue after jumping into the Dream-Gate in early game, or want to clean up a high shroud location to gain Victory (even without picking up the clue) it lets you do that. Also it works great with Hempishperic Maps as you can move the clues to a location that provides you better bounuses.

Other Cards

Enraptured obviously is there to charge the Box (or the Statues/Scrolls) while helping to investigate. Crack the Case is just a great eco to pay for all the events. Unexpected Courage - wel it's there and you can upgrade it later to Seal of the Elder Sign for some more charges. Tooth of Eztli is there because it is a relic and an accessory (hand slots are pretty crowded) - so it is a good target for Whitton especially before you upgrade to Hemispheric Maps.

Potential Problems

The biggest potential problem is lack of healing and very limited soak. Good encounter deck and enemy control + Luke's mobility combined should be able to mitigate that but occasionally you might run into some problems - especially early in the campaign before you upgrade to the cool cards and more prone to bad luck.


Here you can find a 0xp version of the deck.

Have fun and let me know your thoughts!


Jan 25, 2021 Graham · 111

Whitton Greene and Luke are an incredible combo! I tend to lean very heavily into the auto search and include Astounding Revelation, Practice Makes Perfect, Deduction and Perception. First upgrade straight into Pendant of the Queen means you can usually spend the end of a scenario dashing all over the board to whatever loction needs anything and snatching up clues willy-nilly. Pendant also makes Luke's weakness totally irrelevant.

I tend to play Luke full on cluever so I like that your build has a lot more utility built in--do you play this solo? how much help does it need clue-ing in multiplayer? on hard vs normal?

Jan 25, 2021 taal_tarang · 131

@Graham Interesting! Didn't want to include Pendant cause I felt like Luke doesn't need more mobility as he can pretty much move to any revealed location anyway but didn't think about mitigating the weakness aspect. That's nice. I got some exp last night playing Return to Carcosa so maybe I'll try it out!

I've built this deck purely as a true solo one (i play on standard) and never played this on multi. If I did I probably would lean more towards cluever too.

Jan 25, 2021 Graham · 111

@taal_tarang That makes perfect sense--very cool! I always play two handed but I love Luke and would definitely give solo a try with a list like this. The Pendant mobility doesn't disengage monsters, unlike Gate Box, but it does happen during your turn, which can be crucial to quick resolution of tasks printed on locations. The two can complement each other really nicely, especially on large maps, and at worst the pendant just saves you Gate Box charges. The more appealing thing for me is the free clue, which in many cases stops you from even having to move.

Jan 27, 2021 Django · 4904

What about Eldritch Sophist and cheap spells like Alchemical Transmutation as source of secrets and charges?

You may need Charisma or replace Whitton when you have all searchable cards. Or Calling in Favors to search the one or other ally?

Jan 27, 2021 Graham · 111

@Django Whitton Greene is so good on Luke I wouldn't want to get rid of her--because of his relatively lackluster stats, the +1 will/+1 int she provides is crucial.

I generally Charisma in Mr. Rook because I'm a dirty player. Generally you can assemble the Segments when you're about halfway through your deck (you draw a lot of cards). You can continue to dig and shuffle it back in with very few cards remaining. Then if you stop drawing you can usually get one more segment shuffle in before reshuffling your deck. In most cases, you beat the scenario before the discard reshuffle. Usually shuffling the segments before the deck reshuffle takes them offline for 1 turn, which is manageable.

Practice Makes Perfect + Enraptured do good work in emergency charge replacement, but in general I dont know that I'd want to use the slots to go deeper into it.

Possibly this could be a cool transition once you have Charisma and Whitton but before you get Rook, but the logistics seem complicated.

Jan 27, 2021 taal_tarang · 131

@DjangoYeah, you are right and Sophist + Transmutation probably would work great in Luke I just didn't know how to fit him in. I felt like another 4 cost ally would ruin the decks economy plus I didn't feel like the Box needed more charging in this deck. In the past when I tried to put to many ideas into a deck (especially in true solo) I failed miserably. Maybe just my lack of skill. :) So I try to keep it simple and streamlined. But i guess it's a great idea for another deck!

Apr 28, 2021 Eruantalon · 104

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you investigate through Luke's ability (by playing an event) you are no longer considered to be in the Dream-Gate throughout the resolution of any skill checks and thus lose the powerful Hemispheric map bonus?

Apr 29, 2021 taal_tarang · 131

@EruantalonGood point! I must admit I forgot about that when doing the write-up. Nevertheless Hemispheric Map still works great with Luke as Dream Gate is connected both ways so even if you are considered to be in the other location it can make a big difference. For example there are quite a lot of locations with just one connection so quite often it can make a difference between boost or no boost.