The Akachi Onyele 4 Player Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Akachi Onyele Korio 0 0 0 1.0

Tinman · 2

Akachi is incredibly good, and I think probably the most powerful mystic simply because she can recur her spells with her unique card, first game I had with her she had 6(!) charges on Shrivelling with an Elder Sign and her bonus, plus with uncage it was free!

Initiate to get the spells out asap, remember that her card allows you to return a card to hand or ditch it and turn the charges to resources so dont worry about the arcane slots! The Glyphs are there cause she can take them, and 5 resources for cards you might not use isn't too bad and hopefully the reward is worth it!

Upgrade path with her is the Spirit Athame (she doesn't need Blood Pact) for the boost if needed and Shrivelling, bearing in mind she has 5 will, 6 with a rosary and once upgraded and extra 2 with Shrivelling. Grotesque Statue once you've got at least lvl 3 Shrivelling, again she can recur this once spirit speaker is down!

Her weakness can be dealt with relatively easily, exhausted spells can still be used after all.