"Skids" O'Toole - 2 Core - The Undercover Cop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

Sooo...to be honest I'm tired of seeing Leo De Luca everywhere. I like him, but he's expensive, and Skids can already get an extra action per turn with resources. So I decided lean harder into resource generation and Guardian cards.

Skids is mainly using his Evasion first on enemies and then finishing them off when he needs to. He's got plenty of ways to gather extra resources and I've included 2 copies of Guts to help with his Willpower and hopefully draw some cards.

For the starting hand you definitely want a Flashlight, preferably a .41 Derringer and Pickpocketing.

Possible Upgrades:

Sure Gamble (3xp) - This is probably an auto-include as Skids will probably have some issues gathering clues on his own.

Beat Cop (2xp) - You want these so Skids doesn't have to worry as much about enemies and taking Horror.

Police Badge (2xp) - This plays right into the extra actions if you need them and while in play grants a boost to Skids weakest Skill.

Leo De Luca (1xp) - I might take him at the slightly cheaper cost of 5 resources...