Put your Duke's Up Pete is Ready to Fight

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Smokebomb · 88

Ol Pete's been around the block, and though a fierce advocate for the elimination of so called "hobo fights", when there's monsters about he's ready to put up his Dukes to help out Duke Duke out with the Dukes out of Hell. This Deck is aimed a jumping into "on your own" Asap then upgrading spirit events to help Punch Out Enemies, which gets you more spirit events so on and so 4th, it needs some refining and testing and theres some nonbos like Trial by Fire and Fight or Flight but I think I might have something?? There's definitely a fail build in here that would burn bright like a flame with non taboo Drawing Thin but I want to give this version a shot first. Let me know if you have a Repartee to this build or suggestions. All the Best! Comrade Cim