Lola Hayes - The Path to Carcosa - Femme Fatale

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

Lola Hayes is an interesting investigator as she effortlessly moves between at least three different classes. Her base stats in all her skills are nicely rounded at 3, however her Health and Sanity do run on the lower side at 6 each. This version of Lola is using Guardian, Rogue and Mystic cards to kind of do a little bit of everything.

This build of Lola is more focused on Combat, but if needed, she can hopefully boost up "Arcane Studies" or use "Flashlight" to do some Investigation. I would not recommend playing Lola as one of your first investigators, as her switching roles/classes does limit the cards that she can play/use every turn.

For her opening hand I would recommend a weapon, "Flashlight" and one of the skill boosting assets. From there, you'll have to decide which direction you want Lola to focus on during each game.

Lola can be upgraded in many different ways, each dependent on who else you're playing with and what you need her to do.

Some All-Round Possible Upgrades:

Sure Gamble (3xp) - Good way to not fail at any skill test.

Lockpicks (1xp) - If you need to boost your Investigation skill.

Ever Vigilant (1xp) - Lola has a lot of potential assets to play, and saving resources can only help in the long run.

Keys of Ys (5xp) - This is fantastic for Lola as it will easily raise all of stats. Just be aware of the Forced discard effect.