Sister Mary - A force for Good or Evil?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

furey · 10

This is my first attempt at using Sister Mary. It is also my first attempt at publishing a deck.

So, what did I want to achieve?

Well, my plan was to run her her with Trish Scarborough, using Trish as a monster killvader. However, I started to think that maybe, just maybe, Mary could run solo. To that end, I wanted her to be able to add both and tokens to the bag.....there are some benefits when you get the willpower high enough.

  • Two attack mechanisms: Blessed Blade works for those moments when her spells have dried up or not appeared and she can use it to manipulate the chaos bag. Armageddon is for there for a never ending damage dealer, but requires help to manipulate the chaos bag

  • Investigation: Eye of Chaos is (hopefully) my never ending clue finder, backed up with Scene of the Crime. However, this is not Mary's primary role, so I didn't invest in too much.

  • Resources: TBH I really struggled with paying for those heavy hitting cards, then I remembered Alchemical Transmutation. In addition, Uncage the Soul will help the Armageddon cost

  • Chaos Bag manipulation: I think I need to invest more in adding to the bag.....any suggestions? I think I may drop St. Hubert's Key to find something with better capabilities

I haven't tried it out just yet, but I will probably run it through Dunwich cycle first. The question is upgrade path, as most of her cards cannot be upgraded (Mystic cards 0-2). However, I am open to any ideas


May 04, 2021 magistrix · 770

Mary's weakness is much more dangerous if you're filling the bag with both bless and curse tokens (every bless she cannot convert to a curse she is forced to take 1 horror).

St. Hubert's Key is not good for Mary. It's expensive and you're better off using something like Sixth Sense / Rite of Seeking / Clairvoyance to get investigations done. You should take 2x rosary - they're thematic (and can be an upgraded for potential bless tokens if you're into that).

If you take spell-based clueving, then Physical Training is strictly better than Arcane Studies. It will help with your blessed blade / combat-based attacks.

Inspiring presence is bad with allies that cannot heal both health and sanity (Olive McBride has only 1 health, so he will never benefit).

If you're going to be counting on curse tokens for Armageddon / Eye of Chaos you should take Tides of Fate to populate the chaos bag with curses, but you will also need more will help since Mary only has 4 base will and curses subtract 2 when drawn. I would replace Overpower or Inspiring Presence with Guts.

I would replace "If it bleeds..." with Fearless. The horror healing is more consistent and doesn't rely on you drawing Monster enemies (and Fearless actually helps you on the test and costs nothing, unlike If it bleeds...)

May 04, 2021 furey · 10

Massive thanks for this, I’ll make some updates to the card mix.

I see the point with St Huberts key. TBH I included initially for the willpower, but I wasn’t happy with it. I think I’ll swap overpower for guys and if it bleeds with fearless.

I’ll update soon