Villes Ashcan Pete, broke bum

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Ville · 49

Ashcan Pete: carcosa campagin

  • physical damage: 1

Dark horse combos: Dark horse should be played mid game after you have played atleast some of the asset cards foremost Madame Labranche that in comb with Petes ready skill can give you 2 resources with out using a action. Mariners compass is great for lower finding clues early or when no resources are avable getting that extra clues. Fire axe will work alright in times you dont need to exhaust Duke or situation you neee a Quick buff.

The skill cards Will beside for buffring up Pete make sure you always have a card to use for ready aswell as allowing you to fast dig through the deck for those gem cards.

Mullingan should be focus on getting those extra drawing cards like Occult Lexicon, Rabbit´s Foot, Preposterous Sketches to be able to use Petes ready ability as much as possible. Investments to get as many resources as possible for mid/late game when dark horse kicks in. A glimmer of Hope to make sure that Pete always will have cards to use to Ready an asset (and in later game use cornered).

Misc cards: Track shoes: Buff Agi and be able to move around quicker Trench coat: More Agi (evade) + extra health is often useful Live and learn: Works better than lucky with darkhorse

Campagin exp focus:

Cornered, getting + 2 will work well for Mariners compass in combination with dark horse Pete will get int 5 and be able to find 2 clues two times per turn.

Charisma + Granny Orne, Getting the extra will/int aswell as beeing able to pass failed skill tests with 1+ will make Pete almost unstoppable.

Timme worn brand combined with Petes ready ability you Will be able to make two attacks with base skill 6 (8 w dark horse) and 4 damage.

Bulletproof west, cheap and great buff

Moment of respite, cleans horror + drawing Cards.

Stroke of luck