It's Bob Jenkins: the Salesman!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bauhc · 67

Welcome to the Bob Jenkins' deck!
This is a solo or multiplayer deck, and how does it work?

Bob is an amazing seller: you (or your friends) really want to have a lot of items since Bob has an addictional action to play them.
That's why you have a lot of items and the Backpack to find them.

What's better than using an item? Re-using it! So you have not 1, but 2 Scavenging: with 4 and Old Keyring you'll find clues easily, and get back those precious items.
Bonus item: the Gravedigger's Shovel. Finding a clue with no test is always nice, and you can still get the shovel back with Scavenging.

Now, you'll also need money: here comes in play the new Schoffner's Catalogue, Drawing Thin, Take Heart,Faustian Bargain and Act of Desperation to get your resources back from your empty Derringer.

Bonus: 3 is mediocre, but you can increase it with Track Shoes and Peter Sylvestre or Gené Beauregard, 5 is much better and gives you the opportunity to travel alone the map or wait for your guardian to appear.

XP Upgrades:

Peter Sylvestre -> Gené Beauregard
The Red Clock -> Gives nice bonuses.
Eon Chart and Joey "The Rat" Vigil (see below: Advanced Combos)
Here is a 29xp deck:

Advanced Combos:
You can take Eon Chart to get even more addiotional actions, and when you empty it, you can discard it with Joey "The Rat" Vigil (also get 2 resources), so you can get it back from your discard pile with Scavenging.