Reborn Tommy - Dream Police

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thornstromb · 64

One gun and a whole lotta bang!

Tommy is in prime form here, using his signature weapon and it's reloadable nature to blast monsters back where they came from. With an Enchantment and attached Scope, very little can resist, and those which do merely smash against his array of recurring soak. The Red-Gloved Man is especially terrifying, being played at the start of the turn and then charging into battle: You WANT him to die to incoming damage, because then he recurs himself for more than you paid for and you get to use him again and again! Tetsuo helps you get your gun or scope out in a pinch, or rescue something trashed by your weakness. And Spirit of Humanity can effectively pump damage onto your soak cards to cycle them faster while generating bless tokens repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Tommy can make unique use of Teamwork, potentially trading spare parts for more powerful gear he would otherwise be unable to bring with him. Make sure to slot it on your Plan as the third option (behind Prepared and 1x Ever Vigilant). If you know for a fact that your team has nothing you want, you can replace it with something more useful. A Chance Encounter is even more broken, allowing you to steal a dead ally from someone and add them to your soak rotation. The upgraded version doesn't even require that they immediately die! It can also be used to retrieve someone trashed by your weakness, just like Tetsuo.

Meanwhile, almost every card in the deck is two-off... making the Versatile-enabled Dream Enhancing Serum practically a draw engine of it's own, and giving this deck it's name. Remember that in the likely event you do not have the XP to grab everything when you pickup a Versatile, simply grab whatever lvl 0 events or skills seem the most useful and replace them asap.

--- Suggested Upgrade Order:

Charisma 1

Stick To The Plan

Versatile 1

Dream-Enhancing Serum 1

Ever Vigilant 1

Spirit Of Humanity 1

Enchant Weapon

Holy Rosary(2)

Relic Hunter

Versatile 2

Dream-Enhancing Serum 2

Telescopic Sight

Spirit Of Humanity 2

Ever Vigilant 2

The Red Gloved Man

Charisma 2

Beat Cop 1 Upgrade

Beat Cop 2 Upgrade

A Chance Encounter 1 Upgrade

A Chance Encounter 2 Upgrade

Safeguard Upgrade


Oct 23, 2021 Thornstromb · 64

Discovered: if you have extra XP, swapping Heroic Rescue for Lucid Dreaming would be a Plus. Theres not much room XP wise for them otherwise sadly.