Reborn Stella - Courier's Mile

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thornstromb · 64

Fallout all over again...

Jokes aside, Stella is atrocious with this deck. Use the classic Drawing Thin/Track Shoes combo to generate free resources or draw every turn (and trigger Stella's passive automatically!) Quick Learner is a positive for a deck that wants to fail tests early and win tests later. True Survivor and Resourceful can recur your signature skills, and Dark Horse + On Your Own gives you massive resource savings with a sweet stat boost. Use the Grisly Totem to replay your signatures or Take Heart, Rabbit's Foot for free draws, the Derringer to kill things, and the Keyring to auto-pass low shrouds.

-- Suggested Upgrade Order:

Madame Labranche -> Drawing Thin

On Your Own(3)

Relic Hunter

Grit Your Teeth 1 -> True Survivor 1

Grit Your Teeth 2 -> True Survivor 2

Dumb Luck 1 -> Close Call 1

Dumb Luck 1 -> Close Call 1

Grisly Totem Upgrade 1

Rabbit's Foot Upgrade 1

.18 Derringer Upgrade 1

Oops! Upgrade 1

Grisly Totem Upgrade 2

Rabbit's Foot Upgrade 2

.18 Derringer Upgrade 2

Oops! Upgrade 2

Unexpected Courage Upgrade

Quick Learner


Oct 30, 2021 elkeinkrad · 481

If you plan to trigger Drawing Thin on failed test, I recommand you including 2 Drawing Thin in deck. With failed test, you gain 2 resources with one Drawing Thin, but 4 resources with two Drawing Thin.

Additionally, notice that Grisly Totem with Neither Rain nor Snow has no combo. If you decide to cancel failed effect before you return NRNS, you cannot return NRNS since the effect of returning is also canceled. Otherwise, you can return NRNS but the effect is not canceled.

Oct 30, 2021 Thornstromb · 64

whoops. your right. still useful with Take Heart and Resourceful. and of course you can trigger Grisly Totem ahead of NRNS to recover it (doing so does not negate the failure effects, but that could be useful/non-issue depending on chosen test.

As for Drawing Thin, its mostly a matter of XP costs. the combo is "optional" as it is. Feel free to rearrange by say, swapping one of the accessories for a 2nd DT. A second Quick Learner is also a solid option if you have extra XP.