Daredevil Wendy (chirubime copy)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Daredevil Darling (Deck Guide) 424 365 49 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

david6680 · 63

This is a small refinement of chirubime's deck. https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/1903304

  1. I took the backpacks to help find Wendy's amulet in the starter deck.
  2. I took a wider selection of events since Wendy's upgraded amulet lets you play any of them from the discard pile.
  3. I took A Chance Encounter to let me play Daredevil without Yaotl/Resourceful in hand and allow me to only take 1 copy of Yaotl in the deck. This also freed up an experience for Unrelenting.

Priority upgrades:

  1. Backpack to find the amulet faster
  2. A Chance Encounter to get setup faster
  3. More card draws from Unrelenting, Lucky, & Money Talks

Jan 28, 2022 josephmeleca · 1

you can show that the deck was derived/inspired by the daredevil darling deck by linking it

Jan 28, 2022 david6680 · 63

@josephmelca I marked this as derivative of @chirubime 's final deck. It is technically more derived from his 3 Exp deck he created but I can't mark this as derived from that deck (I don't think he officially published the lower Exp version).