William Yorick 4p campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tcrudisi · 3

Nothing fancy - just trying out William Yorick for the first time. Feedback/criticism is appreciated!


Jun 16, 2022 screamingabdab · 91

I prefer Backpacks over Prepared for the Worst, once upgraded it's almost too easy to hit 3 when used.

So I'd drop Prepared for the Worst, both Knives and both Bandolier. Replace with 2 Backpacks, a second Stand Together and 2 Stunning Blows.

Assuming you have to those cards :) Stunning Blow is incredibly useful and I have to find a reason not to run it in any fighter decks I make. The second Stand Together helps with economy, you'll need it with expensive allies.