Jenny Barnes: Best Foot Forward. Solo Play

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dovbaruch · 1


This deck is made only with the Core, Dunwich Legacy, The Miskatonic Museum and The Essex County Express Mythos. My options are limited. So there are tons of better cards available. I just don't have them yet. Additionally, this deck and strategy is designed for a Difficulty level of Easy / Standard for Solo Play.

The Basics

The gist of this deck is to leverage "uncontested permanent buffs". The goal is to boost Jenny's baseline skill to 4 for all 4 skills, , , & . This will make playing any Skill Card more hopefully bringing most Skill Tests to 6. In an ideal world.

Backstab allows us to keep up our damage output by swapping Combat () for Agility (). That's a great option if you Cat Burglar out and not Leo De Luca. We have tons of Combat () cards available like .41 Derringer, Switchblade •• or Jenny's Twin .45s, but we don't want to get with out a way to deal damage.

Our strategy of keeping Jenny's base buffed, is to not only only make the Chaos Bag less scary, but deal more damage with Weapon Cards like .41 Derringer, Switchblade ••. If we pass those Attack Skill Tests with at least +2 we double our weapon's damage.

Having the basic Neutral Skill is neccessary for most basic decks like this. Having them allows you to use skill cards for Jenny and also [play them for other players turns and when you need just a bit more of a boost. Opportunist give you and your partner just a bit more edge as a wild card and a nice chance with other buffs to allow you to recycle it.

The other goal was to minimize Token draws and Losses with with either remove the need completely or turn bad situations into better situations. This can be done with, Sure Gamble, Will to Survive, and Double or Nothing.

Opening Hands & Mulligans

If you don't get 2 out of these 3, mulligan: an ally, a weapon and pay for skill stat boost (Like Hard Knocks or Arcane Studies).

Upgrades with Blood on the Alter

Replace 1 Flashlight with Streetwise.

Flashlight is always a safe card to have. It's simple. Basic. Useful. It's simply a core card that matches the game's core mechanic of searching for clues. But that's not what Jenny's about. She's a lady who works by the seat of her pants. Streetwise provides a better ROI with an input of 2 resources and a skill boost of 3. With our allies in play that brings a Skill Tests up to a potential 7.

Replace Burglary with Lone Wolf

We want more economy. For the cost of a 1 resource + 1 card + 1 action and a three turn wait solo-ing, we start to see a return on our investment