[redacted deck]pls ignore

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

chirubime · 26674

We did it fam. We got the harmful ruling reversed.

For anyone reading this deck guide, this is a redacted deck made to previously draw attention to a ruling that was mishandled. Don't use this deck.


Dec 17, 2022 mattastrophic · 3184

Whoa whoa whoa whoa

We can do Fast stuff anytime now? Lightning bolt windows are everywhere now?

cries in Lola Hayes

Dec 18, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

When was this ruled? Lately I have learned of many new and revolutionary rules that are documented nowhere I can find.

Dec 18, 2022 chirubime · 26674

"Rules Question: This is rules question for Arkham horror the card game. There are a few cards that give you sequential non-actions: - Geared Up - Ever Vigilant - Nimble My question is can you play fast event cards between the play/move non-actions? Example: Play Well-Maintained on a backpack in the middle or resolving Geared up. Or Play Elusive, mysteries remain, or open gate between the moves of nimble.

To answer your question(s):

Yes--you would be able to play Well-Maintained on a Backpack while resolving Geared Up, and you would be able to play Elusive/Mysteries Remain while resolving the moves from Nimble.

Sincerely, Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist"

Taken from Calprinicus' email to FFG. Sourced from here originally. arkhamdb.com

Dec 18, 2022 chirubime · 26674

I honestly don't know what is going on given all of these revolutionary hottakes that they pass off as rulings these days.

Dec 18, 2022 mattastrophic · 3184

Maybe it represents a shift in thinking away from the Nate French era which copied timing rules from competitive games, and towards a more loose system?

It would explain things like this, Concealed, and the reactions-that-aren't-reactions in Keys.

Maybe we have license to cut loose now?

Dec 18, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

That’s absurd.

Dec 18, 2022 MrGoldbee · 1433

"Well-Maintained on 2 Backpacks" is an infinite, right?

Dec 18, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

Well-Maintained says "other," so it does not return itself to hand. Technically that's not infinite--it's just four backpacks per loop of the deck. But there is no doubt players will be able to go through their deck multiple times during a single Geared Up. To make the Backpacks and Well-Maintained loop, you'd probably want to play Knowledge is Power on a Scroll of Prophecies to loop the deck back around and do four more Backpacks. The cycle could theoretically continue endlessly. I think maybe a better use case would involve "Swift Reflexes" though--say in a Rex build--with maybe Astounding Revelations or some other resource generation. Truly you would go infinite during your Geared Up in such an instance. The game would literally never extend beyond your Geared Up.

Dec 19, 2022 Rohanna · 7

They absolutely need to walk this ruling back. I sensed this sort of relaxed approach to the game mechanics with how absolutely ambiguous the concealed mechanics have been in TSK.

I don't know what the behind the scenes is like but it's hard not to correlate the changing creative team and the lapse in game rules consistency. I hope that this was more of a lack of understanding than a desire by the new designers/rules specialists to shift the game rules paradigm.

Dec 19, 2022 beau · 1

Have people reached out to the rules specialist to explain why their ruling was just wrong? Is there an organized response to the smattering of questionable rulings lately?

Dec 19, 2022 chirubime · 26674

I don't know. I don't even know if FFG lurks Arkhamdb to gauge card power levels and general opinions.

Dec 19, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

I believe several people are following up with FFG. This very obviously needs to be reversed. Everything Rohanna says above is correct.

Dec 21, 2022 rufftrade · 1

A controversial idea, but if you don't like it... don't play it like that? I mean like...

Dec 21, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

Yes. I and presumably many other players will ignore this rule for now. But please don't misunderstand this as a ruling on Geared Up, Nimble, and Ever Vigilant. This ruling literally destroys the foundational timing framework from the RR that our entire understanding of what cards can and can't be played when was based upon. For example, cards like Quick Thinking that grant an immediate action now presumably grant a timing window before the action? Maybe an infinitude of timing windows before, during, and after? Is it time to bid adieu to the time-honored mythos phase ritual of waiting for a treachery with a skill test to grant everybody a timing window? It's not just that players who want coherent rules for timing will have to ignore this rule--it's that we'll have to ignore all decrees about timing from this rule team until such a time as they provide a new timing framework or reestablish the old one.

Dec 21, 2022 tokeeto · 33

Alex Werner was also the guy that made Knowledge is Power make Research Notes pretty much empty a location for clues. The (relatively) new ruling is that "you may spend 1 clue to" is a cost, and you therefore don't have to spend any clues - meaning, you can keep the Notes in your hand, play Knowledge is Power, reveal Notes, succeed by 5, and grab 5 clues. Right now, it feels like Werners go-to answer is "Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever - you can do that..."

Dec 21, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

Also: 1) When you move during an Investigation attempt, the investigation is canceled. (This has since been reversed.) 2) When you gain Offer You Cannot Refuse you can spend the 2 bonus experience immediately. 3) A whole ton of confusing and contradictory rulings around “as if.” 4) A whole ton of confusing and contradictory rulings around concealed mini-cards.

Dec 21, 2022 mattastrophic · 3184

@Eudaimonea where can I find all these rulings on Concealed mini-cards? They aren't showing up here on ArkhamDB for some reason.

Dec 21, 2022 bobbyguardian3 · 1

Commenting so i can get notified if there is a response thx

Dec 21, 2022 bobbyguardian3 · 1

fyi Alex Werner is she/her but not something you'd know based on her name.

Dec 21, 2022 sweetpumpkinboy · 42

I hope that the upvotes for this are also in agreement with the opinion that this is damaging not that this is actually a deck guide :P

Dec 21, 2022 chirubime · 26674

@sweetpumpkinboy Yeah... I hope there isn't any sort of unironic interest in this deck.

Dec 21, 2022 mattastrophic · 3184

@sweetpumpkinboy On the other hand, all this really is is yet another way fast-draw can be used to overwhelm the Mythos. Damage is already done!

Dec 21, 2022 Eudaimonea · 5

@mattastrophic Short answer is Mythos Busters #rules-discussion Discord. There is a problem not just with the content of recent rulings, but with their method of communication. The new rules people are quite quick about providing answers to private messages and emails, but also mostly indifferent to precedent so the rules foundation is taking major blows at a rate too fast to keep up with. The only way rulings show up here is by users emailing Frank at drawntotheflamepodcast@gmail.com, which worked back when rulings were sparse and well-reasoned but doesn't now that they are promiscuous and incoherent.

Dec 21, 2022 axefby · 1

i already have a personal taboo list where i just ignore the existence of ancient covenant + favour of the sun. i will probably just put this 'ruling' on my taboo list as well

Dec 21, 2022 tokeeto · 33

@chirubime a reversal of the ruling was just posted on the rules-channel on the discord server. Mission completed. Your deck was a success!

Dec 21, 2022 Ektheleon · 210

Submitted a question to the rules form asking them to clarify how this was supposed to be applied, and just got an email from Alex overturning the previous ruling. Sanity restored.

Dec 21, 2022 chirubime · 26674

We did it!!! Okay now we delete.

May 13, 2023 Nenananas · 250

This was hilarious though and it's sad we can't read through it again now that you deleted it :(