Grim Secrets... or was often shouted in game GRIMOIRE!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Antimarkovnikov · 1034


        This is a simple Rex deck leaning on Rex's synergy with Grim Memoir. The goal of the deck is to get at least one ally (three once you have Archeological Funding) to boost your knowledge sky high. His off class splash is used for things to pay for all your allies and items.

        In my final scenario with him I was testing at a 11 without commiting anything. In my last campaign Rex was paired with Lilly Chen but you definitely want him teamed up with a fighter.

Primary Upgrades
4xp Miskatonic Archaeology Funding
4xp Abigail Foreman
3xp Ariadne's Twine
6xp Ancestral Knowledge

The Raven Quill
1xp Spectral Binding - No Slots
2xp Mystic Vane - +2 skill
4xp Supernatural Record - Tutor and Play Named Asset