William Yorick, the Great Detective!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hagarena · 128

Yorick found alot of things in the graves. Some old Keys, an Axe, a nice lady named Alice, you name it, it could be found! Every body thought Yorick was a bit of a thug, but Yorick knew secrets other didn't. Oh yes, he knew how to find the clues everyone else was missing

First of all let me say. Do NOT play this deck in any higher difficulties. You should barely play him on easy. However, if you want a challange and want to try something different. Be my guest! I tried him with Lola Hayes in path to carcosa and it was a real cluster f***, but that wasnt Yoricks fault...i think...

Anyway, In the first scenarios you will be weak. Lower shroud lokations should prove kinda easy with lanterns and Keyrings and with the help of Alice and some committing. Trail by fire should help you when the going gets though, and Winging it and Shed a light should help you get many clues at once with a little luck.

The knifes are eaily thrown at your foes and The axe will help you murder the rest.

When the experience starts rolling in Either get a red gloved man first or try to save up for a Key of Ys. Both cards will boost your abilities a lot and both are easily re-taken from the discard pile when they inevitably are discarded. Plucky is in the same category of cards as these, but less important. However if you play a low exp campagin (such as Dunwich) go for these first. Then it is pretty straight forward from there. Icepicks and Keyrings will help you generate clues faster (and kill more) Better bandolieres will help you with the hand slots and the extra skills are always nice! A brute force and an Icepick will let you kill a 4 hp monster in one swing and let you pick up the red glowed man from your discard pile again. Oh, how sweet life (or death) can be!