Jenny From The Block

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wowbaggerz · 1

This deck tries to strike a balance between being an effective combat deck immediately and taking cards that will compliment an upgrade path centred around maximizing the Chicago Typewrite and Jenny's Twin .45s.

The Mulligan: Jenny will rely on funnelling her increased income into Hard Knocks during combat tests to become a reliable combatant, using extra actions granted by Leo De Luca to build an advantage early, and her weapons to boost combat tests.

The ideal opening hand will include, in order of priority: Leo De Luca, Hard Knocks, .41 Derringer.

After the opening hand, resources should be managed carefully to play these cards as early as possible.

There should be a decent spread of events that deal damage and vex enemies to supplement the times when Jenny is caught without a weapon.