Acolyte Sefina

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ThanksForAllTheFish · 13

Just need feedbacks, built the deck in 5 minutes, not yet tried it out.

Sefina seems particular flexible, having the possibility to play events multiple times wothout needing multiple copies. However, because events are one shot, she probably needs to rush (hence astral travel to move back and forth and rite of seeking to be able to find multiple clues at once)


Feb 17, 2018 Django · 5032

There are good sefina decks in this site, so i won't go into detail.

Generally speaking you should decide the decks main role (fight, investigate,..) and decide wether you focus on her rogue or mystic side. For example if going for clues, use either Rite of Seeking or Lockpicks), but not both. Otherwise you'll run into problems with difficult tests, if you need to include boosts for , and .

If you want be good at fighting and investigate (either in solo play or as a stand alone in a group), i'd focus on mystic and add 2x Arcane Studies and later 1x Moxie, so you can boost your with money.

I'd also never play Astral Travel, as it may destroy an important asset or force you to include soak assets. You'll need the deck slots for other cards...