Lola Hayes attempts Path to Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Ceswol · 26

Focus on clues to partner with heavy hitting William Yorick. Comments welcome.


Jun 04, 2024 Semiotics · 1

I don't know what sets you have, so hard to say what to include! I'll assume you just have cards through Carcosa.

Without spoilers, I'd recommend Fine Clothes for the first two scenarios.

I see you've got Double or Nothing, which tells me you might not be using the taboo list. That's fine, but I wanted to make you aware that they revised Lola's weakness to make it a lot less punishing. I'd recommend playing with that version.

I'd also call out that Backstab is going to be difficult to use. Unlike Cheapshot (which I highly recommend running) it doesn't add your agility value, so even with a Manual Dexterity and Dark Horse you'd only be fighting at a 6. Probably better to avoid the enemies with Cheapshot and/or Elusive!

When running Dark Horse you might want to consider building around it. I'd recommend taking two. You may potentially want to bring in the Fire Axe as a money sink and a way to help Yorick, which would mean flipping to survivor. Lucky, Look What I Found, and Resourceful are all standouts.

I think your weakest "role" right now is mystic. I like that Alyssa gives you +intellect, but you can easily get that from Dr. Milan. Alchemical is a beast to use, and I think Delve Too Deep is probably a fine 1 of.

Jun 05, 2024 Ceswol · 26

Thanks for these helpful suggestions! I decided to apply the taboo list consistently, and switch mystic for survivor.