Luke Robinson Lives the Dream

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

leonofthehollow · 11

Draft for a Dream-Eaters campaign. 90% clue focused build, aiming to leverage Luke’s “connected location” ability to grab clues off locations without facing enemies directly.

Eldritch Sophist and Enraptured should provide plenty of fuel for the Gate Box - the basic plan for getting caught out by an enemy is simply to vanish into the Dream-Gate. Recharge (2) will be an early upgrade.

David Renfield is another key piece, providing resources for the large number of events and stacking with the Accessories to provide serious Willpower. The large number of allies helps ensure Renfield can be ditched when necessary - I’ll likely cut the Art Students for Sacrifice (1) pretty early for a higher-value option.

Storm of Spirits and Spectral Razor are in because the value is just too good to pass up with this much Gate Box action. Map the Area provides some general support. Overall, the event suite is the least set part of the list here - I’ll continue to fiddle with it as the other decks come in to cover any party weaknesses.