Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Murdoc09 · 2
So I wanted to do a mainly fighter Finn, but with a slight horror movie slasher vibe.
I'm worried I might not have enough card draw in the deck but I couldn't find anything on theme aside from the skull.
Let me know if you see anything I missed or some possible upgrades in the future.
Dec 07, 2024 |
Dec 07, 2024
As for upgrades, Dirty Fighting and Haste are my first priority upgrades. Eventually I'd like to pivot and include Delilah O'Rourke and some other type of big gun if possible. Typically when I'm playing a rogue I tend to always end up asset heavy requiring lots of setup time and resources. I wanted to experiment with AD,AD to see if that helps, but I can see cutting a copy of trench coat and the skull for 2 copies of Manual Dexterity (I'm scared of cutting the mask as it is my only form of mythos protection, and because of the interaction with Meat Cleaver to recover charges). |
Dec 08, 2024With Finn, I personally like to abuse his extra evade action, so I would go for pickpocketing and Dirty Fighting on Bewitching to get it immediately. This way you only need one copy of Dirty fighting and you can thin you deck by putting breaking and entering or other tricks on it. I would get Rid of the .25 automatic for backpacks to find the mask, skull and a weapon. This way your extra evade actions grants you an attack action with -2 difficulty and a card (and resource with pickpocketing(2)) and I would personally still feel like a Screm-like slasher villain, the kind that prepares himself before calling his victim on the phone XD. If you will consider pickpocketing, I would let go Act of desperation and one copy of faustian bargain or Lonnie ritter for it (depending on the version of pickpocketing you choose) or any other of your choice. You will find the single copy easily with the extra draw granted by skull and pickpocketing. Fun deck idea anyway. |
Pickpocketing and maybe later Pickpocketing seem like natural picks for a Finn deck that's worried about card draw
I'm not sure on your upgrade path, or how critical you find the early resources from AD,AD; but I'd consider swapping out your ItToI xp to include a copy of Dirty Fighting, which feels like it would be quite strong in a deck like this, as a way to leverage Finn's extra evade into an extra, boosted Fight as well.
I'm not sure if you've test driven the deck yet, but it does look a little asset-heavy to me (which is a funny thing to say in a comment promoting two extra assets...). I'm guilty of the sin of many one-of's in my decks, so part of me would suggest cutting a couple of the less critical/play only once assets to singles (mask, skull, coat, lonnie), and adding some combination of Friends in Low Places/extra draw (maybe Manual Dexterity or Perception?) to help you find what you need, but those are just my thoughts
It looks like a fun deck