Lucius Hoops The Loops

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Piegura · 7

Easy peasy build for a 19 xp loop-centered Lucius deck...this guy has so much potential!! , , , or even ...??? With That certain book they are all the same, it doesn't matter!! :D Build the fast combo by searching almost the entire deck in 2 turns and drawing all of your pieces along with the accelerators to have into play your core: The Necronomicon, Dr. Milan Christopher and the Stylish Coat and voilĂ !! After you thinned the deck to 0 cards, full empty the tome and cycle it with the Pass while amassing resources EVERY ROUND to pay for whatever you want to play or to protect yourself during mythos with Well Connected and Hyperawareness!!

Hope you enjoy this, I'll be expecting all of your suggestions!!