Calvin Wright - Everyone said I was crazy, but I, er, showed

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

raithic · 1

As soon as I saw Calvin I knew I wanted to try him, so I threw together a deck and tried out the first two scenarios of The Forgotten Age with my friend (playing Finn). A few notes: I published the upgraded version, but it's not hard to figure out what I started with.

Rambling Deck "Strategy:"

I wanted to try a Dark Horse build with Calvin since I liked the idea of an extra stat boost. Since my friend was going to run an investigate-y Finn, I decided to run a more offensive deck, hence the Fight or Flight, Improvised Weapon, Reckless Assault, and Oops!. In practice, Calvin performed as a second clue gatherer with the ability to kill if needed. I considered running "Let me handle this!" but decided on Heroic Rescue to help protect Finn, but I would switch to the other in a heart beat. I found that we evade monsters before they are an issue, and I kill quickly enough if need be that I never had an opportunity to take a hit for Finn. Oops! has also been a dead card and will probably be swapped out eventually. I ran Madame Labranche to complement the Dark Horse stuff, but I will be putting in experienced Peter Sylvestre in the near future to help with horror mitigation. I put in a spread of skill cards because Calvin can do just about anything, provided he's hurt enough, which wasn't a problem with things like Ward of Protection and Finn playing "You handle this one." My friend convinced me to take Scrapper to help fuel Dark Horse, but I'm still on the fence with it since it's the second worse talent, efficiency wise, of its ilk. But this is my first Dark Horse build, so anyone with experience have some advice?

As far as future upgrade path, grabbing a Stand Together seems nice, and of course I'll grab the second Ward of Protection, although the more mental trauma I gain, the more I'm going to be tempted to swap it out with something else. Others: possibly the upgraded Survival Instinct, and I want to try Try and Try again, but later in the campaign it may not matter as much. Speaking of later in the campaign, Will to Survive seems like it would be nuts when he could easily get 4's early in a scenario, pulling off clutch skill tests at key moments.


We played on Standard, and I was very impressed and frankly relieved with how well Calvin performed. I'm digging the extreme risk-reward style of play. I found that with Finn we really never needed to kill enemies, and when we did, I used Improvised Weapon to take it out in a couple actions. Calvin has two mental and two physical trauma at the moment. I drew the weakness in both scenarios and during the interlude, I decided to use my Medicine to take care of Finn's poison instead of his own, leaving Calvin's (one physical trauma), and Calvin also stood watch but didn't have the required item (one mental trauma). So, he's still poisoned going into the third scenario unless they give you an opportunity to remove it via supplies or something else (which I think and hope they'll do). Overall, enemies and clue gathering were no issue for Calvin and Finn, although we always felt under pressure and an inch from death, especially at the end of scenario two when we had to get the hell out of that temple. I'll update my progress as the packs come out.