Daisy Walker Books and magic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChesterBlack · 1242

She's knowledgeable and plans to use books and magic to fight evil. Hope she won't fail. Haven't been tested yet.


May 22, 2018 Tiltowait · 20

Looks pretty good. Some suggestions...

It's expensive, but I'd consider St. Hubert's Key. Daisy has sanity to spare and a flat +1 to will and intellect is stellar. Since this is for multiplayer, I'd specialize more on investisgating. Dr. Milan Christopher is definitely an auto-include in my seeker decks. Passive +1 to intellect and a resource generator. And he doesn't require build-up or doom.

Pathfinder is an early upgrade 1 xp and now you get a bonus move. This is immensely useful.

May 23, 2018 ChesterBlack · 1242

Thanks for your precious advices. Dr. Christopher would definitively be a good addition. I tried it, and until now, it's going quite well. Two scenarios done in Dunwich.