NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This card’s ability should read: “When you reveal a non- chaos token, spend 2 resources: Ignore that chaos token and reveal another one to resolve. If that token has a symbol, remove Lucky Dice from the game (cannot be ignored/canceled).” - FAQ, v.1.1
Lucky Dice’s ability is meant to be triggered after you reveal the chaos token, but before the chaos token effect’s resolves. This is because it uses the word "ignore" in its effect, which works similarly to when an effect is "canceled" [Rules Reference, page 6].
Lucky Dice can be triggered from its own effect. You can continue to ignore tokens and reveal new ones as long as you have resources to spend (and don’t hit the !).
…oder doch nicht?
Vorteil. Zubehör
Gegenstand. Relikt.
Cost: 2. XP: 2.
Nachdem du einen Chaosmarker enthüllt hast, gib 2 Ressourcen aus: Ignoriere diesen Chaosmarker und enthülle einen weiteren, der abgehandelt wird. Falls dieser Marker ein -Symbol hat, entferne Glückswürfel aus dem Spiel.

Related Cards
- Lucky Dice: ...Or Are They? (3) (Into the Maelstrom #307)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
UPDATE after FAQ 1.1: The dice are great for investigators with an over-the-curve economy.
- The ability is not limited to skill tests, so you could also use it on cards where you normally wouldn't be allowed to react, like e.g. Final Rhapsody
- The reaction ability on Lucky Dice states "Ignore that chaos token". This drawn token is not returned to the chaos bag before "another one (is drawn and revealed) to resolve." This means that at least one token which would let you fail the test is out of the bag.
- As long as you have the credits to pay for the ability, you can repeat it infinite times. With one failure token leaving the bag with each investment, your chances of success rise, if you don't draw the -symbol. These dice can be a pricey life-saver!
- Decent install cost.
- The exceptional keyword: They cost 4 xp to include and are limited to 1 copy per deck.
- They take up an accessory slot.
- They only protect their wearer.
- There is a small risk of losing them for the rest of the scenario.
- Resource heavy ability: it costs 2 each time, you could also boost your stats instead to increase your chances of success, e.g. with Physical Training.
- Restriced use: If your chances to pass a test are very small initially, Lucky Dice are prohibitive. They only give you other tries to pass it until you run out of money.
As some confusion has evolved around the mode of operation, here comes the link to a in-depth discussion with answer from Matt Newman.
The Exceptional keyword doubles the printed experience.
Do the investigator's deck building restrictions refer to printed XP or total XP cost?
For example, could Wendy Adams add this card to her deck, as she can only buy rogue cards costing up to 2 XP?