This is a very strong signature card. It provides the equivalent of Emergency Cache L2 and it's Fast, and it has two wild icons. That's the equivalent of a figurative 4-5XP card, and Lola gets two of them!
Cost: 0.
Nur für das Deck von Lola Hayes.
Schnell. Spiele diese Karte nur während deines Zuges.
Wechsle deine Rolle. Senke bis zum Ende deines Zuges die Ressourcenkosten der nächsten Karte der Rolle, die du spielst, um 3. Ziehe 1 Karte.
No faqs yet for this card.
It may be kind of a dumb question, but I could not find the answer to it on BGG or here: can you use improvisation to switch role to the same one? I.e. your current role is Mystic amd you switch into Mystic to benefit from the discount.
It is worth noting that Lola's weakness, "Crisis of Identity," can effectively negate this card (and certainly whatever strategy you'd cooked up, forcing you to discard the very card you'd hoped to play), if picked up during the forced draw. If there's still two CoDs lurking around in your deck, make sure you don't burn your Investigator ability to fast switch roles before playing this in crisis situations.