Verrat. Schwäche



Enthüllung - Lege alle Karten deiner aktuellen Rolle ab, die du kontrollierst. Lege dann die oberste Karte deines Decks ab. Wechsle deine Rolle zu der Klasse der abgelegten Karte (falls die abgelegte Karte eine Schwäche ist, wechsle deine Rolle auf Neutral).

„Ich habe so viele Rollen gespielt. Da muss man mit dem Wahnsinn rechnen.“
Matt Bradbury
Der Pfad nach Carcosa #19.

Latest Taboo

This card's revelation ability now reads: "Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then..."



(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Generally speaking, card effects only interact with cards that are in play. Cards that are out of play aren’t typically affected by card effects unless explicitly stated. So, even though you control the cards in your hand and deck, Crisis of Identity only ever discards cards from play, because it does not specify that it discards cards from your hand or deck.
Last updated


The most important word of this card is "Then". If Lola has a Permanent of her role (or a card that can't be discarded like Unscrupulous Loan), she will not discard all cards of her current role, and the second part of Crisis of Identity will not happen (no card discarded from deck and no role switch).

So, if you buy a Permanent of each class, half of your investigator weakness will be nullified. As a nice side effect, you will get full bonus from the Synergy cards, all of those (except Close the Circle) beeing events or skills and therefore immune to Crisis of Identity,

For example, i like to start my campaign with In the Thick of It, Shrewd Analysis Short Supply, Charon's Obol and Arcane Research, before dealing with with Sacred Covenant on second scenario.

If Charon's Obol scares you, you can wait the second scenario for Adaptable. I would still keep ItToI'xp for some synergy cards.

Edit : thanks to the latest taboo, this review has become irrelevant :/

Emmental · 129
This makes me finally want to give Lola a try. Good spot! — snacc · 1008
good catch, though if there are non-permanent cards in play of her current role, they will go still — SergSel · 371
While this is true, losing one card off the top of your deck and being forced to change rolls is far less than 'half' of the impact of Crisis of Identity. — Death by Chocolate · 1487

I don’t see why this card gets so much hate. At some point during a campaign I’ll be in charge of enemy management and wish I was a seeker clue getter. Sometimes as a clue getter I’ll wish I could just go back to being a guardian and hit things.

This card solves that. Up to twice a game you get to switch things up and break the monotony. How anyone could justify playing a flex deck but spit on a great utility card like this is beyond me.

SorryLaurie · 607
Maybe because you can draw this card in your seeker role if you want find clues? Also you discard all cards of your current class so hope you don't have some important or expensive assets out in play. For example with a. 45 magnum and beat cop you loose 8 ressources and 2 play actions which is much more than the usual 2 to 3 action/cards/resources which a weakness costs you. — Tharzax · 1
.45 Magnum & Beat Cop are great if you want to fight, but what if I don't want to fight? What if after shooting down that ghoul I realized it had a family? What if there was a better way? Maybe we can win the scenario without guns, maybe we can't and we'll lose, but we'll never know if we don't try to change. — SorryLaurie · 607
@SorryLaurie: Ghouls are the good guys, so thank you for your willingness to introspect. — anaphysik · 96
But why did you throw your new hiking boots after your trusted partner Dr. Christopher? Just because you don't know who you are? — Tharzax · 1

Lola Hayes' weakness has long been part of the reason she is never played. Not only is it bad, by nature of how Lola works she is almost always her own weakness. Until multiclass came out she st any given point in time could not use half her assets, but she's still bound to the same slot pressure of everyone else.

With multiclass cards being introduced and with her weakness being substantially nerfed in latest taboo, Lola may actually soon be a viable investigator.

drjones87 · 194

Do you discard all assets in play, as well as cards of the appropriate color in your hand?

The rules about "Ownership and Control" mention: "A player controls the cards located in his or her out-of-play game areas (such as the hand, deck, discard pile)."

Django · 5114
I assume that's why her base deck size is 35? — Steinbran · 1
Official answer: — vidinufi · 69
Generally speaking, card effects only interact with cards that are in play. Cards that are out of play aren’t typically affected by card effects unless explicitly stated. So, even though you control the cards in your hand and deck, Crisis of Identity only ever discards cards from play, because it does not specify that it discards cards from your hand or deck. — vidinufi · 69
Does Crisis remove permanents? The obvious one beeing Higher Education... — Oxymandias · 7
No, this does not make you discard Higher Education. From the rules: "A card with the permanent keyword cannot be discarded by any means." — Sechen · 53
Does Crisis of Identity discard a leveled Shortcut that's attached to a location? — Oxymandias · 7
Let's say you have both Well-Maintained and Enchanted Blade (either 0xp or 3xp Guardian). If you're guardian and draw Crisis of Identity, do you choose the order in which you discard the cards of your role you control? Can I use Well-Maintained to get the Blade back to hand before discarding Well-Maintained, or is the discard effect simultaneous? — clydelucy · 6
It definitely discards the shortcut because you still control attachments you attached to encounter cards. For Well-Maintained, it’s definitely simultaneous. However, Well-Maintained should still be able to trigger since it’s already weird by default. Its reaction trigger is ‘after’ which means that that it triggers after the asset is discarded and all effects of that are resolved (which would include discarding all attachments as well), so it seems it is already capable of being triggered from the discard pile. To fix that weird situation, they’d probably errata it to a ‘when’ trigger, in which case it would still work against Crisis of Identity since it would resolve before the discard resolves. — Death by Chocolate · 1487