A major improvement from the original composure set. The new composures included in End of the Earth are, in my opinion, auto includes. 2 constant stat boosts, 0 cost, soak, slotless, a way to spend resources you don't need, and to top it all off it doesn't even cost an action to play. All you need is a way to find it in your deck, and as long as you can protect that 1 damage/horror that will send it to your discard then it can stay in play all game, easier said for Survivors probably. Much like the original versions, I personally think moxie and Plucky are two of the stronger ones as they help protect against treacheries and can help with monsters/clues respectively. Rogues really can get a lot of treachery protection out of moxie especially if you can generate a lot of resources (and which rogue can't). And honestly, who doesn't love the art for this card? Save the puppy!
Talent. Gelassenheit.
Cost: 0. XP: 3.
Health: 3.
Sanity: 1.
Schnell. Nur 1 Gelassenheit im Spiel.
Du bekommst +1 und +1 .
Nicht-direkter Schaden/Horror muss Tatkraft zugewiesen werden, bevor er deiner Ermittlerkarte zugewiesen werden kann.
Gib 1 Ressource aus: Du bekommst +1 oder +1 für diese Fertigkeitsprobe.
Jeff Lee Johnson
Am Rande der Welt (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #56.

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Agreed. Way too strong. Even if they didn't give passive bonuses they'd probably still see play as a fast, costless soak.
· 22
I guess that non-direct damage/horror Must be assigned to moxie. My Reading is that this Kind of damage/horror couldn‘t assign to allys or other cards like e.g. Elder Sign Amulet. Or I am wrang?
· 119
@Baseliner The effect only happens of you choose to assign non-direct damage/horror onto your investigator card you MUST first put them on Moxie (as well as all other Composure card); such effect doesn't prevent you from assign the damage or horror on other assets such as, allies.
· 9
@IvanYHYu: Thank you
· 119